How long before Christy Ford is charged with felony perjury for her Senate testimony?
How long before Christy Ford is charged with felony perjury for her Senate testimony?
No perjury
Not soon enough
Next week
Do do that, an actual investigation has to be done.
I hope she does, she lied to much…
Did she think she could get away with it?
Swetnick is the one who should be worried
As a Democrat, I would love that. A real criminal investigation would then have to be carried out, and Kavanaugh would lose the cover he got from the WH limiting the FBI investigation. All of those 40 leads that the WH would not let them follow would have to be opened up. Pretty sure she would be exonerated and it would be our new SC Judge that would have to face impeachment.
Please do go ahead with this idea. But you will notice that the GOP in charge will not do this, and now you know why they will not.
Not going to happen,
It's not like she is a he, and a Republican you know.
- Why did Christy Ford lie about her experience with polygraphs during her Senate testimony? She coached people on how to manipulate their polygraph results Public statement from one of her former students After an interview with the FBI
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