How does that gofundme work? Does Christine Blasey Ford really get $750,000 just for lying?

How does that gofundme work? Does Christine Blasey Ford really get $750,000 just for lying?

Why not? Looks like Brett Kavanaugh is going to get a Seat on the Supreme Court doing it.

Sure looks like it. Well, $531k so far.

Yes plus what money the DNC gave her to lie

He has one also. People who support her want to help her with her expenses. The people who support Brett Kavanaugh want to help with his expenses. It's a choice of private citizens to do this.

I doubt she's lying. All you are is a troll anyway.

Not to mention book deals, talk show circuit and a movie. Guess lying pays off

The money is supposedly to pay for her legal and security expenses but her lawyers say they aren't charging her.