How does Henry Ford's mass production and assembly line impacted the American culture of the past hundred years?
How does Henry Ford's mass production and assembly line impacted the American culture of the past hundred years? - 1
It made it possible for us to move faster across the nation
1. Your question should read "How has" not "how does" since you say impacted… Past tense.
2. This is an open ended homework question… Nobody is going to do your homework for you on this site.
Improvements in assembly line manufacturing made the manufacturing of durable goods more efficient… Use that as a starting point for your discussion. If Ford never created the assembly line… GE wouldn't be making turbines…
- What was the most significant aspect of Henry Ford s assembly line process? A. It used less energy and created less pollution than other factory processes. B. It created labor unions to advocate for employers working in large factories. C. It reduced production costs, which allowed the products to be more affordable. D. It made it possible to hire more employees, which helped restore the economy.
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- How can I get a job at ford as a Assembly/line or should I go to tech school like uti? I'm 19 years old and about to graduate from high school I'm into cars and I want to know everything about them what kind of experience will I need to get a job into these companies.