How come Kavanaugh seems to know exactly how many years ago the assault accrued even though Dr. Ford forgot that?

How come Kavanaugh seems to know exactly how many years ago the assault accrued even though Dr. Ford forgot that?

Come on, isn't it obvious?

Because the Washington Post leaked it.

It's in his calendars. Clearly marked. Time place and the folks in attendance, which bolstered Ford's story and credibility.


Kavanaugh's memory is a curious thing. When he was asked about the "Renate Alumnius" phrase in his published yearbook comments he couldn't remember why her name was there; N.B. About 13 other members of the football team had "Renate Alumnus" (different spelling) in their yearbook published comments.

Yet when asked how drunk he was after a bus trip to a Sox game at Fenway Park, he remember Roger Clemons pitching and some notable first baseman. Do you really believe he had such detailed memories of a baseball came, but no memory of why Renata was on his yearbook page? I don't.

She knew how old she was…

You all need to do some research on FALSE MEMORIES… That idiot FORD woman was about as credible as a turn coat RAT on the stand… Fumbling over her answers, not sure of this and that… HE on the other hand obviously could remember some sort of interaction. NOT how she purported it. Its all a game by the democrats to continue to cause anarchy in the WORST WAY. I believe none of it… Any woman that supposedly was assaulted like that, 30 years ago and chose NOT to say a word… Well thats too dam bad! How would you feel, if you were in high school, and there was a girl you were always grab assing on. You decide to become a senator or whatever. Out of the BLUE, 30 plus years later, some idiot who was paid to do it, comes forward to slander you, with false accusations and partial memories. The reason I know this is a scam, is simple… There's a thing called Statute of Limitations… It prevents ANY OF THIS from happening to people… To protect them from liars like this… Proof again something sinister is afoot in government. Its not fair that its allowed at this point… Anyone not seeing the truth needs to get re educated and put themselves in this position of Mr Kavanaugh…

He's a liar. According to him he's completely sure of stuff which exculpates him, but not sure of anything else. I remember someone from the Innocence Project talking about false accusations and she said that clients who are falsely accused are often remarkably unhelpful because they don't have an alibi ready. For them, the time of the crime was just a normal day and something they forgot about. Christine Ford talked about this in response to the other people who she says were present at the party: for them nothing unusual happened so why would they have any memory of it. The fact that Kavanaugh is so certain that this didn't happen is suspicious.

Actually it was presented by Ford and the news media before Kavanaugh was aware of the accusation.