How come Kavanaugh looks like he is in his 30's while Ford looks like she is older than Dianne Frankenstein? Wern't they in HS together?

How come Kavanaugh looks like he is in his 30's while Ford looks like she is older than Dianne Frankenstein? Wern't they in HS together?

TDS, makes you age

They say the face you have when you are 40 is the face you deserve.

No. They went two DIFFERENT Catholic schools. They are BOTH in their 50s.

Walter Isaacson and I went to the same private school, but he was a year ahead of me.

Ford has lived a hard life. You can see it in her face.

She says she is 2 years younger.

Are you kidding me? Kavanaugh looks like he is in his 60's.