How badly will the DNC be hurt after the Christine Blasey Ford fiasco runs it's course?

How badly will the DNC be hurt after the Christine Blasey Ford fiasco runs it's course?

They took a shot, they failed, people understand the politics of it, nothing will change. Politics as usual is sad and leads to inept Congress. Vote them all out, or establish term limits for all Congress. The DNC should get hurt, but it will keep doing the same counter-productive attacks whenever possible. They do not know how to pick the right fights, so they attack all things, and just hope to get lucky.

The DNC has nothing to do with it and you know it.

By the way, it's its.

Not at all. Kavanaugh will probably get in but the effort to stop him not succeeding will mobilize many women to vote against Republicans.

They are at bottom… It was no risk at all…

It can only help

I predict that the RNC will pay this price during the midterms. The problem is that all 11 pubs on the Judiciary Committee are white males, while the 10 Dems on this committee include 4 women and 2 blacks. Very bad optics when picking on a woman who claims to be a victim, and the GOP already is in a weak position with minority and female voters. Just my opinion. We will see soon enough.

Not very. The DNC will still have their "trump" card to play. If the Republican agenda was not so toxic, the DNC, might need to be more careful.