Why won't my car start? - 1

My car didn't want to start yesterday. Its a 2007 ford fusion 4 cylinder. I turned the key to start it and it just makes one click and the sound comes from the dashboard i believe. I hooked up my battery to a trickle charger last night. I reconnected the battery today amd i get the same click. I checked the fuses and they are fine. I don't know how to check the relays though. I smacked the starter with my wrench and that didn't help. I'm thinking a bad starter. What do ya think?

99% of the time these problems are either (a) a bad battery that needs replacing or (b ) loose or corroded battery terminals that need to be cleaned and tightened. Don't even think of replacing the starter or relays until you've checked and cleaned the connections and if that doesn't work take your battery to an auto parts shop to have it properly load-tested

I'm thinking more about a dead battery. If the battery is stone dead, a "trickle charger" won't bring it back to life. Your car is 8 years old, and probably still has the original battery. It's time for a new one!

It would need 20 hours at 7 amps, a trickle charge is 1 to 1,5 amps

FIRST… Your trickle charger is USELESS.especially if it is 2Amp or 6Amp
You need a 10amp12volt battery charger and put it on overnight. It will charge it "IF THE BATTERY WILL TAKE A CHARGE".
Average battery(the inexpensive one is about $100) and lasts ABOUT 5 years. So, using my fingers it is 2019 or 12 years… You should be at the end life of your second battery. IT WON'T "hold" A CHARGE anymore.
. In the winter with an old battery,
it is always BATTERY.

Still if you drive the car daily or even once a week it will hold a charge.
. Battery is the cheapest and easiest thing to replace and gives immediate results. I would still chuck the trickle charger out and get a decent charger that self regulates itself (it has an indicator needle) that will start up high and as the battery starts taking a charge the amps will go down.
If your alternator is good, the car can be parked for a month without anything and it will start up right away.


40 year mechanic

Do what most shade tree mechanics would do it. Start throwing parts. Replace the terminals. Replace the battery. Replace the starter. In that order. No fix, time for a tow.

If you want to do it the right way, get the battery charged AND load tested. Replace the battery if required. Clean or replace the terminals. Try to start. No start, check for power at both terminals of the starter solenoid while cranking. Check for ground at the starter body while cranking. Powers and ground are good while cranking, the starter is bad.

If you hear a click, and nothing else, the battery is the LAST place to start. The starter isn't getting power or is dead.

If you can try jump starting, and that doesn't start the car INSTANTLY, the battery IS NOT the problem. I'm willing to BET the problem is closer the the starter than the battery.
I KNOW everyone that thinks the battery is likely the issue, doesn't know HALF as much as they think they know.

No gas?

Bad battery?

No key?

It is likely a bad starter solenoid, some cars like a 90s Ranger has two. One on the starter and another on the fender wall. To test the solenoid have someone turn the key to start and another person short the solenoid from one terminal to the other. If the starter turns the solenoid needs to be replaced. Fender mounted ones are easy to replace.

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