My transmission fluid is dark colored and smells burnt?

2010 Ford Fusion Sport

The fluid smells burnt and is dark colored. The transmission still shift normally. I'm thinking that the fluid has been in there since dealer. I have found other parts in the vehicle like the air filter that was from dealer.

Added (1). The transmission filter is not serviceable.

So it sounds as though you are simply due for a transmission fluid and filter change. No need to have the dealership perform such as service, to can go to any reputable automotive center in your area to have the change performed.

I've had my car about 10 years and have never smelled my transmission fluid. Or even checked it for that matter.

Have your transmission fluid and the filter changed.

At 50-70,000 miles is a good time for the first change.

Yeah. I'd say you should change the oil and check on the filter. Probably. Wouldn't hurt.

Find local shop at ATRA.COM before doing any change. Dark and burnt usually means a problem. The shop will let you know

The filter is inside the pan, Cody.

The trans can be serviced. I have seen and done it.

If the fluid smells burnt then you better get it out and change the fluid and filter before it warps the valve body!

EASY ANSWER! Go to ANY FO(RD delaership and have the FLUID and FILTER changed! They wil use EXACTLY the right fluids and filtgers, etc and give you a WARRANTY to protect you! DO NOT TRUST the oil acahnge centers as tghey mostlyl use GENERIC OILS and FLUIDS that can KILL YOUR CAR! Perhaps your ENGIEN or TRANS is overheating a bit, so NEVER USE PRESTONE EITHER! Use MOBIL OLNE 0W_30 oil good for ONE FULL YEAR that keeps the engien CLEAN INSDIE and prevents HEAT BUILD-UPS! Power wash engien and trans with GUNK ORANGE to remvoe unhealthy FLUID dRIPS and other thigns thatg RAISE tgemperatgures up! LE FORD do the work and RELAX! MAnyh OIL CHANGE CENTERS get SEUD eventuallyh for using tghe WRONG and CHEAPEST fluids and oils thatg RUINTHINGS! EXPEC T 300 k MIELS form yhour FORD< and have them rfemove and clena the THROTTLE BODY IDLE AIR CONROL VALVE! It ADDS AIR to engien as tgeh comptuer askls ofr and PREVENTS troubles with CONvERTER an dFUEL MILEAGE! BYE NOW!