Did you have to buy your first car?

I'm kinda pissed. I don't want to sound bratty but I'm almost 18 and I need a car when I go off to college. My dad used to promise us that he would buy us s car when we finished hs. My dad helped my brother buy a car when he was 18 so I thought The same goes for me and my little brother since we're his sons too but I guess not.
My 18th birthday is next week and I told him I had wanted a car and specifically A ford fusion 2012 i've seen for around 7500 bucks. He told me that I had to work for my own car and he can't help me with the payment or insurance which are high.

I don't know how to feel. I honestly understand that yeah its my car that I need and I should pay for it but I feel cheated. I was really looking forward to him helping me get a car. Ever since I was 13 I was told that he was going to get us all cars for college. My brother did not even go to college after his senior year and my dad still helped with his payments but He doesn't want to help me.
And I'm not lazy and I have a 3.8 gpa all honors and joined several extracurriculars, leader of a scholar club and scored of an act score 26. Which is above average.
I do plan on getting a job next month but I was going to quit around August right before I go off to college. I do not want to try and find work during my 1st year of college. This really made me angry more then anything and if I have to get a car all on my own then honestly I have nothing to say to my parents in life.

He might just not be able to afford to buy you a car, i never got a car at all since i never got my driver's license

The proudest moment of my life was when I bought my first car with my own money. Even though I was only 16 I considered myself an adult.


You need to stop whining and buy a car. Your father owes you nothing and doesn't need to pay for a car at all. You can buy an older model for way less and need to save for it and pay for your own insurance. Are you going to whine to daddy when you can't afford a rental or collage? I bet you will

Things change its not that big a deal. Just buy a cheaper car. He might actually even help you out with some payments then.


After I got my first job, unless it was something I absolutely NEEDED (like food or clothing or medical care) then I had to pay for it.

A car was considered a want because I had friends that could drive or could take the bus to school.

I wasn't able to buy a car or drive until I was 21. I worked my but off and got a good deal through my neighbor. Teaches respect and appreciation for items.

To answer your question, I got my first car when I graduated from college and I used graduation money to get it.

There's really 2 issues here. When you say you NEED a car, this is simply untrue. You need food, a place to live, utilities, books for courses, etc. A car is something you want. There's a difference.

With that said, I do think your dad was wrong to promise it and then renege on that promise. As someone said, he doesn't owe you this, but it's never ok to promise something if you can't follow through. There might be financial reasons for his change of mind, but that should have been something he took into account when he first brought it up. My parents made it clear to all of us we weren't getting any help on purchasing our first car, and they're not hurting for cash. They just think people should handle this on their own.

If he's paying for your college, you'll probably have to live with it. BUT if he isn't, and he has lied to you all this time, and got your brother one, just tell him you'll put off college for a year and work and buy your own car. See how he likes that.

Yes, my dad told me that he had to buy his first car. So, he said I would have to buy my first car. But, he gave my younger brother his first car when he was going to college in a different part of the state. It was one my dad was replacing with a newer car.

Yes, I bought my first car at 17.