Ford seems so confused she can't even remember what happened in the last few weeks. How can she remember events 40 years ago?
Ford seems so confused she can't even remember what happened in the last few weeks. How can she remember events 40 years ago?
Just keep dreaming.
I bet you can't remember what you had for breakfast last Monday but I bet you know where you were on September 11th.
FFS can we stop victim bashing? I know you guys hate women but this is getting stupid.
You are the confused one.
Exactly. She can't even remember her own script much less the one the democrats wanted her to tell.
She seems hopelessly confused about mundane details.
Long term memory and short term memory are two distinct brain functions. Witness all the older people who can't remember what just happened but can recall almost verbatim conversations they had years ago. Add to that the fact that the woman has been under an intense amount of pressure the past few weeks, which would affect anyone's ability to remember other things. Climb down off your high horse and actually listen to what she is saying.
- What is leftist icon Christine Ford up to these days? Is she still making up lies about people touching her 35 years ago? Or did she just take the money, and run? ANON- so people donated money to her because she was "assaulted", and she in turn donates that same money to people who were assaulted?
- Someone stolden my 1999 Ford Taurus two weeks ago? It was not towed because I seen the guy drive away with it and the wires were not exposed how they do it
- Ford has admitted that she was drinking the night of the party and that her memory of the events might be impaired? She also had never met Kavanaugh before. Given all of this and given that no one else can remember Kavanaugh being at the party isn't it likely that she made a mistake
- I just got my car in January. Two weeks ago it ran hot. It Ford Focus 2014 . For my understanding I got extended warranty? Ok I just got my car in January. Two weeks ago it ran hot. It Ford Focus 2014 . For my understanding I got extended warranty my radiator completely went which blew my head gasket. The mechanic want me to lie And make insurance claim. Which doesn't seem right to me?