Ford's lawyer says Kavanaugh must testify 1st. So how is Kavanaugh supposed to respond to her allegations?
Ford's lawyer says Kavanaugh must testify 1st. So how is Kavanaugh supposed to respond to her allegations?
Added (1). Eisbär- that was what she was demanding. I'm just trying to figure out why she would make such a demand.
Added (2). ANON- she could testify 1st so that he can respond.
Oh, so Ford's lawyer now runs the United States Supreme Court nomination process? Gee, I thought that was a role given to the United States Senate… I guess I was wrong.
Somebody needs to just say this to Ford's lawyer, "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Obviously, the accuser must testify first. Otherwise, the accused can only guess at what the accusation is.
What else are they supposed to do if there's no FBI report to crib her testimony from?
If Chrissy Ford really wanted to get at the truth they could have made these charges and had an investigation three months ago.
It's almost like they held this charge back as a last minute stalling tactic.
If the goal was justice she would have contacted the police.
Since her goal was political she contacted a Democrat Senator instead
So the implication is that he is supposed to make his defense statement before he knows what the charge is. All backwards.
All time tables regarding this story stinks from when it was received to when it was produced. And Mrs Ford didn't want her identity known but the Democrats leaked it. Who else did given the only ones with a copy of the letter are Feinstein and the FBI?
- Why does Christy Ford's lawyer want Kavanaugh to testify first if they won't release any information to defend himself against? That makes no sense. The accused should be given the opportunity to face their accuser AFTER their accuser has testified. The way it stands now he would not be given the opportunity to counter anything she says.
- Should Ford be studied for her ability to not remember details about her trauma after 13,000 days. But after 6 days with her lawyer? Her memory during her drunken stupor becomes crystal clear? Could Ford's techniques be used with alzheimer's patients, the elderly, and other drunks who experienced "black outs?"
- How come Sen. Warren had to provide evidence of her past, while Dr. Ford didn't? Aren't we supposed to believe all women no matter what? Isn't physical evidence supposed to be a lower form of proof than a woman's testimony? Couldn't Sen. Warren just have cried a lot in a little-girl voice to prove she's part Native American? It's hilarious that libs can't answer this.
- Christine Ford says she will not testify unless her safety is guaranteed? So why doesn't someone inform her she is not testifying against the Clintons and doesn't need protection?