Ford lost a billion in profits thanks to Trump's tariffs. Is there anybody that thinks he's a business genius anymore? Much less winning?

The trade war?

I thought you weren't a capitalist? Lol

American consumers pay the tariffs.
American farmers get hurt.
American taxpayers bail out the farmers.
President Trump brags about it.

Trump has no businesses anymore… And he never made cars.

Right. It's hurt businesses. He was supposed to have arrived at a deal with China, but that hasn't materialized. No surprise there!

People can scream all they want to about unfair trade. Fine. But right or wrong, his war has hurt business. If you want to even up trade with China, stop buying Chinese made products.

And I never thought he was a business genius. How do you bankrupt a casino?

At least TRY to look at the big picture, EssJay. Can ya do THAT for us?

Oh, before we letcha go, son: say "Hi!" to good ol' Hunter for us, hear!