Ford credit policy if i'm three weeks past due?
I always paid my car payment most of the time on time by payment is due on the 30 and they give me a 10 day grace period until its considered late fee start charging but i won't be able to pay until the 24th i know its be a 20 dollar late charge and i'm about to call them to tell them tomorrow morning when they open and i'm nervous about what they are going to say i don't think its considered 30 days past due when i pay on the 24th so what will happen?
Added (1). oh and i won't want it on my credit report or repo what will they tell me what will happen
Sorry, but we do not know what will happen.
If you are simply late, then perhaps nothing except the late fee.
I don't know Ford's policy in particular, but generally if you get completely caught up before you get to 30 days past due it won't get reported. So let them know, pay when you say you will, including the late fee, and do whatever you can to make sure it doesn't happen again. If you are three weeks late with this payment, are you going to be able to make your next payment just a week later? Or are you going to be starting a cycle of paying late and being unable to get caught back up?
As long as you don't make it a habit, as in every 3 months, it shouldn't be a problem.
But, you will owe the late fee and they aren't going to let you slide on future payments and they aren't going to do ANYTHING whatsoever to alter their normal reporting practices. (Whatever they may be)
You are LATE. They have a lot of customers who are late. Never late is ideal but they aren't going to repo your car over 1 late payment a year.
And CALLING them is very important. You don't want them to have to call you.
You call them and tell them exactly when you will make the payment and then do so and you should be fine.
(Assuming you haven't let your insurance lapse)
I was 2 days late 20 years ago on a credit card payment and it was reported as being late on my credit report.
I was so mad at Capital One for refusing to drop the late fee that I cancelled the card and refuse to do business with them to this day. And I bad talk them all the time. I don't think I was really late, I think they sat on my payment to incur the late fee. And I read that others had the same problem.
That was back before I used online bill pay.
That one late mark didn't ruin my credit by any means but the late fee was what pissed me off. Id never been late in 5+ years and they wouldn't waive it.
The grace period is only to avoid the late charge, it has nothing to do with the account. If your payment is due on the 5th of each month and you pay it on the 10th, you are charged add'l interest. It's call per-died. If you have any doubts, just call Ford Credit and ask what the per-diem rate is past your due date, It gets reported monthly to the credit bureau, If you go past 30 days, it will shop as a slow pay. When you go past 2 months, then they will repo it
You need to call them and find out, in any case when you find you can't make a payment it is always a good idea to call and discuss your problem with them
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