Ford couldn't make it to the original hearing date due to the fear of flying, but flew regularly for business and enjoyment?

Ford couldn't make it to the original hearing date due to the fear of flying, but flew regularly for business and enjoyment?

She was caught in a lie.

Lots of people are scared of flying- it does not mean they are unable to fly.

I'm scared of the dentist, but I go. I'm scared of elevators, but sometimes I have to take one.

Is that the best you got?

The issue is not airplanes it is sexual assault. We all concede she does not like to fly… Like millions of other Americans.

Honest mistake. She forgot that she wasn't fearful of flying. She has problems with some details. Dates, times, places, flying…

Such a fraud…

That was brought out, the Dims lied about her fear of flying.