Ford acts ignorant of the political and legal process even though she's been an activist since before she was 15 and she comes?
From a family of lawyers.
she had to tell the president something about kavanaugh… And decided to just tell her 'congress person'
she 'wasn't interested in pursuing the media route particularly'
she refers to eshew and weinstein by name but everyone else is a 'staff person'
she used the term 'sexaul assault' many times. It's a modern times political term.
she's fidgety but doesn't flinch. She looks around but doesn't bat an eye.
It is quite obvious that she is a liar, all you have to do is pay attention.
Do you think it is politically prudent and just, to believe a person whose actions are backed up with the phrase "the end justifies the means"?
I really don't think it is.
It was all an act to get sympathy from the ignorant left and to fire up their base of voters right before the election.
Just because you make stuff up doesn't mean your alternate facts are believable.
- What Ford vehicles with a 302 motor comes with a 4 barrel carb (and only comes 302 with a 4bc)? I have a 1989 mustang gt motor and I'm making it carbureted and I'm looking for any vehicle with a 302 that carries a 4b. I'm going to a junkyard where they don't help with finding vehicles, so it would be helpful to know what vehicles only have a 302 with a 4bc, that way I can look it up on the website and know exactly where its at.
- Blasey-Ford's phones had been disconnected, social media acct's closed a MONTH before her name was released, yet she claims DEATH threats? Came in the same day her name was made public. How? How did anyone that unhinged find her info in just a few hours? ----- 9/11 wasn't an inside job but this sure seems to be.