08 Ford Focus SES. Limp Mode?

New transmission in it with 4k miles on it. Had pro mechanic put new tranny in for me. Still going into limp mode. Shutting the transmission and motor off. What's wrong with it?

Car help. Buyers remorse. 2014 Ford Focus SE?

Hi everyone… So I just bought a 2014 Ford Focus yesterday for a good price 70k miles automatic transmission. Being 18 and naive it felt like I was making the perfect the decision and now am I reading all the complaints regarding transmission problems ect. I feel so idiotic and depressed. But this is now my car so I'm just going to have to make it work. My questions… First) those of you who have this car and like it, how did you learn to like it? And will this car last me for atleast 5 years?

New screen radio $1500 worth it?

I recently bought a 2009 Ford Focus and I just bought the car and want to put a 1.5k screen radio is it worth it? Family members tell me that's insane for a radio especially if the car is not mine yet. Would you guys do it? Or should I pass on this.

Why is it that when it comes to initiative in wellness for wrestlers the WWE tends to be more reactive then integrity in prevention?

With regards to integrity I'm focusing my definition more in the old Henry Ford quote "Integrity is doing what your suppose to do even when no one is looking".

The fact that WWE ever focused more on guys that were smaller and not the giant body builders was a result of the steroid scandal.

The WWE wellness policy was a result of several wrestlers dying due to drug use, the steroid scandal, wrestlers getting arrested for drugs.

The fact that wrestlers no longer take blows to the head with objects and have a designated protocol for concussions was a result of WWE wanting to avoid future concussions lawsuits again

The fact that the WWE pays for drug treatment for current and former wrestlers was a direct result of many wrestlers being addicted to drugs and WWE trying to avoid negative PR

The fact the WWE does not allow blading is not to avoid potential diseases but because it is economical to be PG

WWE conveniently started to pay for grants a few years ago for current and former wrestlers to go to school which is awesome until you realize that this was around the same time that several wrestlers started hitting the news for committing crimes or for requesting funds in a gofundme page because they are broke.

Ford Focus SE 2007 a/c Button Missing?

I noticed when I got my used Ford Focus SE 2007 (after buying it) that It does not have any a/c control switch at all.
The switch/button to activate and/or turn on the Air Conditioning for my car is not there, it looks as if it is normal (It does not look like it has been removed or taken off forcefully, etc) This is confusing and the summer is just around the corner. Does anyone know anything about this?