How to get in to the boot ov 06 focus key fob not working?

I have an 06 ford focus it been sat for a few weeks and the battery has died so have charged it the the key fob not working changed the battery in that and still not working car open the door with the key is there any way i can get in the boot i need to get my baby's car seat out

Best way is to remove the back seat, and enter that way.

Can't remove rear seat as the catches are behind the backrest of the seats below each corner under the parcell shell. Try and remove the parcell shell if possible./

You need to consult the handbook and reset the key to the car as per the instructions in there.

In my world, a real world, the book that comes with the car from the manufacturer contains all of the information the owner may need. It is necessary to remind people that these instructions are there for a reason. You also need another book, an English grammar book for you have elected not to be correct as to much any of the normal rules of writing. Amazing. 100% a "new" variation or dialect has been created. No need for sentences, capitalization, punctuation structure, etc. One last thing, if the car does not work and you have not needed it for weeks, why do you need a baby car seat? The battery does not hold a charge, the key fob is not operational and this is a 2006 vehicle? It must be trashed. What a pity. I have a 2001 car in perfect shape. What a difference.