Ford Focus with Peugeot engine?

So today I went to see a Ford Focus 14 tdci of 2003 but it had a Peugeot engine(120,000 miles)… What you think of a Ford with a peugeot engine? Is it good or bad?

As long as the car's paperwork is correct, no problem. Peugeot/Citroen, the PSA group, make the most refined diesels on the market. It the engine has been properly maintained it will do anther 100,000 with ease.

Lots of diesel engines are Pugs, usually good sloggers

Definatly good this engine was developed in Tremery by Peugeot, as described in the joint venture agreement with Ford and is used in many cars, including Fords, Mazdas, Minis, Citroens, Volvos and Peugeots.