Amplifier set up in car, remote wire to ignition wire?

Can I put red ignition wire from car to red ignition on harness from radio together AND also add the remote amp wire from amp to the red(s) ignition wire's… So all 3 twisted together?

Please help someone and if you don't answer but have the nerve to vote someone down on there reply get a damn life. Either explain how it is done or don't vote on others answers… Someone has to know this question… 2000 Ford Focus with boss 612 amp… Kicker amp and subs

The remote wire does NOT go to the ignition wire. You do not twist it to the main power wire. The remote wire has to go to an ACCESSORY wire that shuts off when you turn off the key. You need a test lamp to find one of these or get a wiring diagram for the car.

You could just wire it to the radio fuse in the fuse box of the car.