First week the left was complaining that old white men were going to question Ford, now they are upset they hired an a woman attorney?
To do the questioning. So what does the left want?
It wants the footage of a woman being grilled by powerful white men.
They weren't upset that the wrinkle squad was going to question Ford, they wanted that for the optics.
To remove all republicans from office by force and establish a single party rule.
They may have complained about the old white men who would question Ford, but they were eager to see that happen because of the optics.
They want the truth and justice, not a show.
More women in charge.
I want the Democrat Senators to have 20 minutes each to question Dr. Ford and 20 minutes each to question Judge Kavanaugh
Personally, I want to see those partisan traitors to duty forced to perform their own dirty work. This is like the serial killer hiring a woman to represent him.
To stop Kavanaugh by hook or by crook. There are no depths to which they won't sink.
Character assassination and delay.
- Wouldn't women like Dr. Ford feel safer when they were drunk if OSHA stopped violent men like those in the NFL from hitting each other? And calling it play. Shouldn't women have that right to feel safe? You can call this "highlight films" but they are just rich men being violent which a civilized government would stop
- Why are Cons complaining about Ford when they personally invited all of Clinton's no-evidence accusers to sit behind Hillary during? Their ginned up Benghazi hearings? … Or maybe that was their ginned up email accusations. … Sorry it was the debate. What a slimy good for nothing tactic by the GOP.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate? If she did. Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault? Why hasn't she reported it to the police?