Should you connect your phone to the radio for your driving test?

I'm about to take my driving test and my car is a 2019 Ford Fiesta SE so it has one of those radios where you can connect your phone for emergency phone calls and stuff. Should I connect it to show that I'm prepared Incase of an emergency, or should I not connect it so that I show I'm not on the phone while driving? It would be especially bad if someone tries to call me in the middle of the test.

Turn off your phone and put it away for the test.

Don't connect the phone.
The phone has sod all to do with the test

No, turn off your phone for the driving test.

For God's sake! Turn your phone OFF while you take your test if you want to pass it!

Leave your phone turned off jojo

Leave your phone with your mommy while you are taking the test. You don't need or want the distraction.

"Should I connect it to show that I'm prepared Incase of an emergency," People managed for decades with no phone. The examiner will probably fail you if you connect your phone.

Turn your phone off or better yet, leave it at home. You'll live without it.

No, Anon.

The last thing your driving instructor wants to see is your smart phone.

Turn it off and hide it away. Better yet leave it at home.

Do you sleep with your phone?
Are you a "phoneahollc"?
Common sense tells one to Dis-connect it.

The phone generation… UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE!