Radio code for 6000cd rds eon ford fiesta, think the serial number is m87042?

Hi can anyone help please left my lights on and my battery went now I need the radio code for my car I'm not sure if the serial code is right it's the only thing I could find beginning with m, all help appreciated. X

I can't find any other number beginning with m, where should I look please

You're a number short. Should be M+6 digits.

If the serial number is M087042, the code would be 9124.

If that code doesn't work, you will need to locate your serial number.

Try pressing preset 6+1 or 6+2 together, the number you need will be either M or V followed by six numbers, such as M123456 or V987654.

If the above method doesn't bring up a V or M number, you'll have to take the radio out to find the serial number. This video may help:

It the serial number begins with M, post it here and we can give you the code - if it begins with V, only a Ford dealer can help.

If the code starts with M, you can find the code with the calculator:

Don't try to enter the code more than once. You only have 10 tries before it locks up and at 13 is is essentially going to be less expensive to replace it.

If you still can't find the serial number, your Ford dealer can be a faster, source, with less headache. You might call them to find out if they can get it to you for free.

My serial no is m027078. What is the radio code please? Thank you.

How to find the radio code for Ford KA 6000 AUX CD RDS E-O-N, serial number V0001602

Hi, How to find the radio code for Ford KA 6000 AUX CD RDS E-O-N, serial number V0001602

MV 50702000 can i get a code pleAse

For serial: m027078 - code: 1810 from car-radio-unlocking uk