Ford fiesta ghia 1.4 02 plate?
I removed the wrong fuse And put it back now my car will not start its making a clicking noise where the fuse boxes is my car will not start Display message says eac Fault
When there's clicking it is usually a dead battery or poor connection to the battery. Clean the battery posts and the insides of the clamps.
Buy a new battery if it is old. You may need to have a mechanic replace the throttle position sensor and calibrate it. (And clean the throttle body while he is in it)
- Is there a second/back up way to open bonnet on Ford Fiesta Ghia? The lever in front left foot well area to pop the bonnet isn't working The point at which it usually clicks and opens the bonnet isn't happening; the lever is going beyond that point without popping the hood. It worked fine earlier and I keep trying but it isn't working now. Its like it isn't lined up properly anymore. I need to top up my oil but can't get it open and am going on a long journey tomorrow. Any suggestions or another way to pop the hood?
- I have a 56 plate Ford Fiesta and the stereo has an aux button which has never been used how does it work do I just plug lead in and it will? As I said I have 56 plate fiesta and the aux button on the stereo is there but has never been used. If I plug an aux lead into my car where the USB port charger is will hat Work just by plugging my phone in and pressing the aux button or will it need something done to the stereo for it to work?
- Ford fiesta ghia eac fail massage? I have an ford fiesta ghia 2002 i have a massage come up on my display saying eac fail and my car will not start it keeps happening it comes and goes my partner was driving on the motorway yesterday's and the car just stopped and come up with this massage can you help please
- Ford fiesta 54 plate won't pull and is really slow with high revs? My ford is slow and it won't pull when I stop at the lights I go and all I have is high revs over 5000 rpm and no speed at all then when it catches speed the it's fine intill stopping again