FBI was banned from interviewing Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford, 6 witnesses, and didn't investigation if he lied under oath. Is this a cover up?

FBI was banned from interviewing Kavanaugh, Dr. Ford, 6 witnesses, and didn't investigation if he lied under oath. Is this a cover up?

Of course it is. Trump and McConnell look worse than Kavanaugh. As it stands, Kavanaugh is seen as a neurotic, somebody with a shady past who may have reformed over the years. The ones who look really sleazy are the scam artists in charge of the "investigation."

This is the kind of stupidity we expect from Trump, but what about old pros like McConnell? The key word there's *old* - out of touch if not downright senile.

Lied about what? "Oh, I had two beers". "No I remember you had three beers… You are a liar"

Move on with your life.

They weren't banned from anything.

There's no version of an investigation that would satisfy you unless it meant his disqualification, so spare us the phony outrage.

Let's just say that it was a superficial and pro forma "investigation" conducted solely to allow a few Republicans to assuage their consciences. The rest of them didn't care.

No. The FBI was given their orders and timeframe from the White House, which is all perfectly Constitutional.

And all so Dr. Ford.
Maybe because there's no collaborating evidence.
Kavanaugh has already been interviewed by the FBI to hold this position. At one point while he was working with President Bush he had one of the highest clearance already.

Yeah, buddy!

All the FBI was allowed to do was NOT interview anyone that had any knowledge which would make Bart Kav. Look bad by telling the truth. YES this was a cover up that Trump orchestrated.

No one was banned from anything by anyone. That shyt is fake news.

The FBI conducted their research as they saw fit.