FBI investigation has revealed Christine Ford told multiple lies under oath. Should she be prosecuted for perjury?

FBI investigation has revealed Christine Ford told multiple lies under oath. Should she be prosecuted for perjury?

No it hasn't
Rachael Mitchell's report has nothing to do with the FBI, if you weren't a halfwit, Game, you'd realise that

A report from the GOP's prosecutor does not represent an investigation by the FBI in anyone's opinion but your fevered fantasy, game.
Incidentally, I realise you are unhinged and suffer from mental challenges but try and be an adult for once.

Trump gave Putin a copy of the FBI investigation, I see.

And how many times did the FBI say that Kavanaugh lied under oath

The World According to Breitbart?

Yes. Definitely.

The FBI investigation has revealed no such thing. An alleged letter by an alleged ex who doesn't want to be named proves nothing.

She was assured that her name would never be revealed… Frankly it was hard to prepare someone that can't fly in an airplane in just one cross country road trip demanded by the mean old white-guys, they should have come to her… Or at least offered.

The FBI investigation has not been released yet. How do you know what it says?