Would I be able to use 15w40 year around in North Texas climate?

I drive a 1994 Ford F-150 Straight 6. Engine is old, 184000 miles. Starting to leak. I'm going 15w40 anyway, but I'm wondering if I can use it year around; as the weather here is all over the place and it is rare that we dip below 15 degrees F in the winter.

Seriously anyone who knows North Texas weather knows that you can have 70degrees one week and then 40 degrees the next. Below freezing days are rare and when they do happen they cause the town to shutdown if wet weather is involved.

This is a gas engine by the way and I'm aware that 15w40 typically goes in diesel engines. I don't care about that the decision is already made I just need to know if it will be fine in my truck in this schizophrenic Southern climate.

Added (1). P.S.
I strictly use conventional oil in this truck.

Can't relate, I drive a 2018 car.

If it i starting to leak then fix it. Maybe it is just the valve cover gasket? Its like a $200 job.

Your mind is made up so go for it. Honestly a truck that old and a pretty good old design 6 cyl. Engine won't have any problem with it.

Over here in uk the standard oil used by most drivers used to be 10-50 .FORD europe newest oil is 10-60.personally i would use 10-40 . Most oil usage is when oil is hot. And thinner… And yes i have been to north texas .love padre island

Yes, it'll be fine. For what it's worth, diesel engines don't only use 15w40, they use oils of various viscosities that are specified for diesels, as they are more highly detergent.

Thicker weight oil will not do a thing to keep a motor from leaking. Just use the recommended weight oil.
Thicker oil can cause hydraulic lifter noise and wear.

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