Will Sedans become obsolete soon?

Now I don't think i my lifetime they will be able to perfect electric cars now I don't think the Civics or Camry's will be out of business since they are popular here. Ford already stopped making Sedans and GM closed a few of their plants which made some sedans. They both said they would focus more on their crossovers and pickups.

In my area I do see a lot of minivans, SUV's and F150's and Rams. I do see a lot of Sedans but they're usually either new meaning 2016- present or anything before 2008. Nothing in between.

My economics professor mentioned that they can make SUV's just as fuel efficient and they're bigger meaning they can store more room for passengers and utilities. Bigger vehicles also offer AWD and 4WD although expensive to fix, and if you live in a snowy area like mean they are helpful. Sedans usually get stuck more often since they are very low and close to the ground.

Sedans are DYING, they have been decline for decades.
Pickup Trucks, are increasing. (Uni's to the Australians)
Go to a show room (Chevy) you will find the Pickup Trucks are better equipped than the passenger cars (roomy too). I doubt Chevy will be making any Sedans, maybe drop the coupe too. Going Strictly for Trucks, like the GMC line. I give it about two years.

When gas goes to $6 a gallon, fuel miser sedans will be back. They won't die. Some people do not like SUVs. GMs and Fords have stopped making cars because they simply could not compete with the Camrys and Accords.

And your economics professor is just GUESSING like they always do about the economy. He has no clue about physics and why a bigger engine is REQUIRED to move an SUV.

Yes - the car companies want to eliminate sedans: big SUVs, crossovers, trucks are cheaper to make and easier to get past crash standards… People tend to think of truck-like vehicles being "heavy duty" when in reality they are exempt from many car standards (look at the flimsy bumpers on many trucks) … And for the same reason, people will pay more than for a sedan… And, lets face it: most sedans have become miserable little things (unless you can pony-up for the largest Benz, BMW, Audi or such).

So - it's taken a while, but the car companies have been successful in getting the public to embrace their higher-profit vehicles. Sedans hit their zenith in the late 60s/early 70s so there are fewer and fewer who remember how quiet and comfortable cars once were: more are satisfied to drive around in a noisy, hard-riding truck. (No thumbsdowns needed - we have a Navigator out of necessity: nice upholstery but it's still a truck and rides like one.)

No. Often, the only difference between a sedan and coupe is two more doors.
Look at them. Often, the sedan version no longer, heavier. How can the MPG be significantly worse?
I don't know about You, but I and most of my friends HATE crawling over seats… Coupes are for bachelors. Just like Convertibles.

I have no need for an SUV. A clumsy, hard to park, terrible handling vehicle choice in my opinion. Not to mention inefficient. Sedan for the wife, sedan for the college aged kids. Truck for utility, around the house stuff hauling, etc, and a 2 seat sports car for me. SUV? Hell no. I prefer to go fast, take corners fast and get where I'm going. In bad weather I use the truck. SUV has no place in my family. Impractical and inefficient.

If sedans on the road today run for 200,000 miles or more, they won't need replacing for 10 years or more, then car makers can start building them again to resupply them to people who like owning sedans. I do not like driving trucks, vans or suvs. Asian manufacturers are very successful in the sedan and hatchback market, so GM, Ford and Chrysler can afford to give up that segment and there will still be choice for people who want to own quality sedans.

Did you ever drive down a street where SUVs and trucks are parked on both sides, choking the space to drive into a narrow funnel? I have and I'm glad to have a car that still fits down those roads.

What makes a car a sedan, is 4 doors. I can't ever seeing cars with 4 doors going away
