Why do people stare when I'm driving a truck?

Is it odd for a 22 year old girl to drive a truck? Btw its my dads ford f150 not a big deal but it makes me so uncomfortable but driving a truck is so effing comfortable

Maybe because you don't look like the stereotypical truck driver. Don't care what people think. Keep doing your thing

Most people just think a woman driving a truck is driving her husband's truck. Could it be you are looked at because you are nice to look at?

I once saw a 22-year-old girl driving a pickup truck. So I married her, 33 years ago, we're still together.

It's probably because you park like an idiot

Girls driving pick-ups are hot…

If people are staring at you, it's because you are a bad driver, the truck is too noisy or the radio is too loud.
No one can see if it's a man or woman driving a car when it's just driving down the street, unless they are right next to the car.

Maybe tint the windows if it is bothering you.

Not because of the truck.

If people are staring at you, it's because you are a bad driver, the truck is too noisy or the radio is too loud.
No one can see if it's a man or woman driving a car when it's just driving down the street, unless they are right next to the car.

F150 is not an obvious vehicle choice for a 22yo girl. They probably think you look like a redneck or something. Seriously, tell dad to buy you a Miata

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