My truck shakes up and down near the steering wheel when I ride between 40mph and 45mph. Why?

For the past couple years, my truck has been shaking when I drive between 40 and 45mph. It doesn't happen as much when I accelerate past that, but when I maintain in a 40 mph zone or slowly accelerate from that speed it's a little bit annoying.

My truck is a Ford F-150 V8 Automatic 1999 and has 230k miles. I've been in a tiny wreck once with it, but I'm sure it was going on before that.

It could possibly be a worn bearing this happened to my sisters pontiac torrent. To know if it is the bearing just ride at the speed that your steering wheels shakes and dose the sound in your car from the bearing get loud. If yes then that's probably the problem

My neighbor had the same problem with his 2001 F-150, he replaced the wheel hub assembly on all 4 tires, and reduced most of the shaking. Although this might not be the same problem (his was from 15-30)