I use regular gasoline for my 2010 Ford F-150 would it be bad to start using a mid grade or premium?

I have about 42000 miles on it I've always used regular it has never been a problem. But if I upgrade to mid grade or premium would it be better for my engine or should I stick with regular? I want my truck to last a long time

It won't do anything at all except cost you more money.

Check your manual. Unless you have a high performance vehicle, the better grades do nothing but drain your pocket.

F-150s don't need premium gasoline. You would be wasting your money. It wouldn't be bad, it's just unnecessary.

There's no benefit to buying higher octane than you need.

Not bad but totally pointless and a waste of money. Premium isn't any better for any engine. It has a higher octane rating for engines that need it.

You won't get any benefit from using any fuel other than regular unleaded.

Seems the higher octane is better myth just will not die. As the others have pointed out using anything other than 87 octane in your Ford is a complete and total waste of money. You will not have more power nor will you get better fuel mileage. In fact using it will, in some cases, make it harder to start. Save you money and stick will 87 octane regular.

Using a higher octane gasoline is not upgrading. Higher octane gas has more octane in it and it is an inhibitor to keep the gas from burning as well to stop pre-ignition.

Does the engine knock under load like climbing a hill? Then changing to a higher octane fuel will stop that. Does your engine run on and knock like a diesel when you try to turn it off? Then changing to a higher octane fuel will stop that. Has your engine been rebuilt using custom parts to greatly raise the compression? Then you might actually need higher octane fuel. For all the rest of us it would be a waste of money. It does not change the way the engine runs, It actually prevents the fuel from detonating at high pressure. Unless your engine has been seriously modified, you do not need it.

It shouldn't but you can still drain your fuel tank then fill it with premium so it wouldn't mixed. Get accessories from Amazon, eBay, Shopatronics, ect. In case you need any.