Can a dial torque wrench be used in same situation as a click torque wrench? Or are the used in specific applications?

I'm looking to get a torque wrench to fasten the valve cover on my Ford F-150. Being new to all this I automatically started looking at click wrenches. But I have seen some higher brand dial wrenches for decent prices also. Can I use dial? Or stick with click?(Digital/high tech is out of my price range) Thanks.

For a valve cover, it doesn't matter.

Either works.

real mechanics don't use 'em for that. They remember how hard it was to get the valve cover off and just tighten to that degree of hard.

Using a Torque Wrench to check the torque on fasteners that are less than 1/2" or 13mm in diameter is a waste of time and money.

Tighten the fasteners with a regular wrench until they feel tight. I like to use Blue Loc-tite on all small fasteners.

Yes, so long as you can see the dial. Many times you can't. It doesn't matter which torque wrench. Click wrenches are the latest type and you can use it when you can't see the indicator(such as a dial indicator or a simple notch indicator.) You hear the click to know you got it tight enough. All torque wrenches tighten the same.

If you can't tighten a valve cover with out using a torque wrench you shouldn't be playing mechanic!

Same torque wrench, just a different way of displaying the readings. However, with a dial type, you have to be able to see the dial; click type only requires a hearing ability.

You don't need a torque wrench for a pan ( valve cover. )

Ask from family guy if anyone remembers that episode

Does not matter
