What is the part that the core support is welded to and the fender mounts to?

I have a 98 Ford Explorer hit a deer I need to replace the core support and the left front fender support that the core support is welded to which is then welded To The Fire Wall. I can't for the life of me figure out the real name of this part does anyone know what is it called I need to find a replacement but can't and you may say that it's not worth repairing it's too old but this thing is sweet I love it

If you're speaking of the front sub frame, it's reffered to as either the "front sub frame" or more commonly, "front clip". And, not sure if this platforms clip is bolted or welded in place.
let someone else chime in on that.

depending on where it's sourced, and what that source is willing to do, they can be had in varrious stages of completion if you will. Not uncommon to have everything from the A pillars forward replced. Including outer fenders and such.
there are some exacting measurements one should perform when doing this at home to be on the safe side. As one would want it all close enough for a 4 wheel alignment to take. So that may prompt you to have a pro shop do it.
worth it? Dunno. Value of platform. In love with it? Eh, can't answer that fer ya. Especially iffin you farm this out. Not do it yourself. Could cost thousands to have done. As I don't know all that's involved re-damage.

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