How often to change spark plug wires on a 2003 Ford Explorer?

How often to change spark plug wires on a 2003 Ford Explorer?

After 15 years they're due.

Spark plug wires are found on vehicles that have distributor caps. Yours has ignition coils so there are no spark plug wires per se. There are a couple of wiring harnesses though but they should not need replacing the way spark plug wires do.

It is a coil on plug ignition design. There are no "wires".

When they are needed

You change them when they fail. They don't graduate and some may last longer than the car. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

On modern cars no plug wires, don't rotate tires, use synthetic oil, change oil every 10k, it's not the 50s any more

There's no wires. They are coil packs. Change them as they go bad and do spark plugs every 100k

60,000 miles

Just change them when they are needed bud. One goes bad replace them all as a set. And yes they are still considered spark plug wires even if it has a coil pack. I have used wires from a car that had a distributor on one that has a coil pack and worked just fine. But whenever they are needed. Say one goes bad might as well replace all of them and I usually replace them and the spark plugs together. Hope this helps.

Every 3 years