2003 Ford Explorer Stuck in 4WD Low?

4.6 Liter V8, 4WD, Light on 4wd low is always on and the other two buttons, High and Auto don't seem to do anything. What is next step for diagnosis and repair.

Wiper fluid bad

Hook up your Ford factory scan tool and go into the transmission section. Read the trouble codes for the tranny and the transfer case. Then you try to make each of the solenoids function with the scan tool. If something is malfunctioning you start checking grounds and pin test all the connectors.
Ever wonder why mechanics get an hour for diagnostic time?

If you could do anything about it, then you probably would, I know I would. Sounds like you need a mechanic.

You know you have to be in neutral in order to engage or disengage low range right? Just pushing the buttons for 4Hi or Auto won't disengage low range. You have to start the vehicle, drive forward a few feet, put the transmission in neutral, *then* push 4Hi), the 4Lo light should go off, drive forward another few feet. Push Auto. Then put it reverse for about 15 feet to unlock the hubs.

Note: The Ranger/Explorer got vacuum hubs around this time or even a little before, if you have vacuum operated hubs then the drive forward/drive backwards thing would be unnecessary. But I included it in the procedure in case you have mechanical auto-locking hubs.

I don't know

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