Even if it's true that Kavanaugh felt up Ford, how does that compare to to what Democrat Senator and hero Ted Kennedy did 2 Mary Jo Kopechne?
For the record, I don't think it's true.
"Dead women tell no tales"
Here's the thing, pointing out something bad someone else did does not excuse the bad things you do. I don't know why Republicans think Whataboutism is a valid argument. It isn't.
"Hey, you killed that person in cold blood!"
"Even if that's true, how does that compare to Jeffrey Dahmer?"
"Oh yeah, you're right. Carry on."
Makes no sense as an argument.
And how does Kennedy compare to Henry VIII and what he did to his wives? Wow, your on to something worthless
Exposing yourself as a conspiracy theorist does nothing to further your "cause."
BIG difference. Kennedy was a DEMOCRAT-different set of rules.
I understand you're probably semi-illiterate,
So, I'll tell you the facts, if you can read this.
He's not accused of "feeling her up".
He's accused of pushing her down, trying to remove her clothes by force,
and putting her hand of her mouth as she tried to scream.
- Why did the Leftist Loons who felt it necessary to criticize the balance of the Senate judiciary committee find it necessary to point out? That the Repuublicans are all WHITE? Is Mrs Ford not White? As if Tim Scott would not rip her a New one just as easily? What kind of Racists are you people? So, I ask you why you play the Race Card, and your NON Answer is to play the Sex Card?
- Isn't weird the connection between Mary Shelly and Christine Ford? !) Both are authors. 2) In 1818 Shelly wrote her best work of fiction. 200 years later Ford wrote her best work of fiction. 3) Mary was an honorable girl of 17 when she wrote about a monster. Christine was a monster who wrote about a dishonorable 17 year old girl.
- Is it true that the real reason for Nikki Haley's resignation was she supported Ford and did not like Kavanaugh's appointment to SCOTUS? That is what democrats are saying. But is there any truth to this? Did she hint at why she resigned?
- How do the people that chased Ted Cruz out of that DC restaurant know Ford is telling the truth? They were yelling "we believe survivors" at Cruz. How do they know she is telling the truth?