Where can I find the cigar fuse in my ford escort stationwagan?

I looked under the fuse box under the steering wheel I know about the little one to but when I pop off the cap there isn't any fuses and my charger don't work it's irritating please help

Some lighters have a fuse in line on the back of the lighter itself.

Still have the owners manual. In the fuse section will show you which fuse it is since it will also run a couple of other things

Go make a autozone.com account its free and go under help and search for fuse, it will show you your fuse boxes and decipher what the abbreviations mean and where the fuse is. If you don't want to get a volt meter hook the negative to the battery or a ground. Then the positive touch the tabs on each fuse with the car on and if you find one without volts check if the filament is broken if so replace. I had this issue mine was a 20amp fuse if that helps