Switchback LED's not working correctly?

I bought some switchback LED's the other other and I installed them into my 1998 Ford Escort zx2. With the running lights on, they light up orange (suppose to be white). When I hit the blinker they still blink only orange. White does not come on, ever. I have flipped the bulb and same thing happens. I do not have resistors. My friend has the exact same car, 1998 Ford Escort zx2. And they work perfectly fine in his car. His car does not have resistors. I'm wondering what could cause the bulbs to work perfectly fine in my friends car but not work fine in my car. Thank you. *Tags: Cars, trucks, motorcycle, light, LED, headlights, chevy, ford, gmc, Ford, Escort.*

No one cares, and really, why should they.

There are 3 Wires, Black, Red and Yellow, right? Black is Ground, Red is Parking Light (White) and Yellow is Directional (Yellow). Use a TEST LIGHT to confirm you have them hooked up that way and only the yellow wire has power with the directional on.

Incorrect wiring, or possibly you received the wrong part(s).

They sold you the wrong lights. Maybe the wrong product was in the box they came in. Running lights aren't supposed to blink. Check your installation.