Questions regarding my 2014 ford escape Loosing power?

I'm having issues with my ford escape 2014 model my engine light is on RPM And speed cluster don't move my lights flash on and off when driving if anyone knows what this can be please message me thanks

Get a scan tool and check the trouble codes. Could be a bad crank position sensor.

Having a car serviced is essential these days.

What can it be? It's a dude who never got the codes read so he has no clue what's going on. Any auto parts store reads codes for free. Write down the codes and repost here with the actual codes… Not just what the parts guy thinks it is.

A) It's spelled LOSING, not loosing. FAIL

b) These are all symptoms of a low vfoltage battery not being charged by the alternator. Check the battery connections. Check the alternator belt. Check the alternator output. Check the battery condition.