If Kavanaugh locked the door of the room in which he allegedly assaulted Christine Ford, how did she manage to escape?

Was there only a doorknob that one could easily turn, or was the door locked with a key?

Is this really still being debated?

She did it for the gofundme money

We wanted to know that… But the FBI investigation was "limited"…

Anything can happen in a dream or she just lied and made it all up.
She did it for the fame and fortune.

Blasey-Ford is a damn liar.

That whole story is messed up

Ford's narrative has holes you could drive a truck though. Not that the liberals notice, of course.

No suggestion it was kicked.

She could not tell us when, where or who was there.

Bedrooms doors are not locked with a key. They are locked with a pushbutton that is easily opened.

Why are you still talking about this?

The Left wants you to stop talking about their failed attempt to defame Kavanaugh.