How can you tell if a used car should have originally come with a key fob?

There are no locks on the outside of my used 2003 Ford Escape other than the one on the driver's side door. Should I just be able to buy and program a new key fob? It's kind of a pain especially when you have groceries, etc. That need to go in the back.

Only if you knew the fob number. Dealer can help you get one they will be expensive

Google is a wonderful thing. You can get a new key fob from batteries Plus. It is about an inch by inch and a half.

By asking the same question here over and over.

You just answered your own question.

Yes, if your car has electric door locks, it will probably work with a remote key fob. You can check with your local Ford dealer's parts department to find what it would cost to buy and program a new remote control key fob for your car.

Go to the dealer and they can look up the VIN and sell you the correct FOB and program it to the vehicle.

Umm that I don't know sorry call the dealers

Ask the person you bought it from

Some locksmiths can do that. Call around.

If there's only one lock, then it should have had a fob.