Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied under oath. Who lied?

Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied under oath. Who lied?


In my opinion it was Ford. I think she was coached by her attorneys, and used as pawn by the democrats. And Feinstein needs to be investigated.

It's possible they both lied

We know Kavanaugh lied about his drinking, so he proably lied about attacking Frod too.

They both may have, certainly, Kavanaugh wasn't being completely honest about his behavior in high school and college and Ford may have embellished an attack or even been attacked but not by Kavanaugh

Both lied big time

Neither. Both answered truthfully as they remember or don't remember the alleged event.

That is really a secondary issue, because Kavanaugh -- guilty or not -- has been treated appallingly by the so called system of American justice.

This issue has brought both the system of American justice and the (political) appointment of Chief Justices, into ill repute

"Neither lied" and "both lied" are also options in a non-binary world.