Can you list the facts that makes Dr Ford's claim creditable?

Here's a list of items that make her claim questionable.

- The Senate Judiciary Committee ( Less the Democrats, who for some reason refused to participate) have been investigating for a week.

- The 4 witnesses Dr Ford named have all been contacted by the committee and provided official statements that they have no knowledge of any such party, never saw any such event, or even knowing Kavanaugh.

- Dr Ford can't remember the location ( the house or who's house it was )
- Dr Ford can't remember when ( Not even the year )
- Dr Ford has repeatedly delayed giving her story to the Committee
- Dr Ford has so far refused to provide an official statement to the Committee
- Dr Ford has completely scrubbed her online presence
- There's zero physical evidence
- Diane Feinstein sat on this information for 2 months

- Democrats said she deserves to testify. The White House and GOP Members of committee have all agreed. They have bent over backwards to accommodate her in any way she feels most comfortable. Then Democrats ( Hillibrand, others ) decide that she should not testify in a ' sham ' hearing

- Now she's ' tentatively ' scheduled to appear, but ' details ' need to be worked out. Including who gets to question her. Why would that matter if she's being truthful?

No. Forensic evidence doesn't exist.

Your question would be more credible if your vocabulary were more polished.

Oh Taylor, you put a lot of effort into this. God bless you honey.

You seem to have your mind made up

She passed a polygraph

Can you list the facts that makes Dr Ford's claim creditable?

she hasn't even testified yet. We'll find out what kind of sick pervert he is soon.

Taylor knows she's not being truthful.
end of story.
no need for investigation or testimony.
Taylor knows all. He's a stable genius.

I think a person who wants an investigation and witness testimony is more credible than anyone who doesn't.

The only fact here is she made a false accusation.