I have a 1991 2wd ford f250 auto transmission xlt lariat 7.5L v8 is it possible to make it 4wd what would be easiest cheapest way to do it?

I have a 1991 2wd ford f250 auto transmission xlt lariat 7.5L v8 is it possible to make it 4wd what would be easiest cheapest way to do it?

Buy a different truck

27 years old dude, time to upgrade

Converting it will be MORE than your truck is worth. Find a truck with 4WD.

I like my old trucks i just upgraded from my 89 buick lesabre into this truck

Anything is possible with about 10 grand

Jack up the radiator cap. Put a 4 wheel drive tuck underneath it. Replace the radiator cap for good measure

The cost of converting that truck to a four wheel drive is going to be much higher than the cost of purchasing a four wheel drive truck

Trade or sell the 2wd and buy a 4wd. That is the cheapest way to do it

Hi what with a 27 years old truck scrap it and buy a new one.

Possible? Anything is possible if you throw enough money at it.
Easiest cheapest way? There isn't one. It would be way cheaper to buy a 4WD truck.

Buy a badge saying 4WD in any auto shop for about $5. Similar Turbo badges work for teenagers.