How much is a spare car key and house key?
I lost my set of keys for my dad's cars and house somewhere in the house. I'm usually a slob and I'm unorganized and that is obviously how this happened. But I've cleaned my room more meticulously than it has ever been cleaned before in the past two days and the keys have not turned up, so I need to make spares. First off, can I do this if I'm under 18? Second, where can I do this? Hardware store? Home Depot? I need keys for a 1997 Honda Accord and a 1999 Ford F350, and also a regular house key. How much will it cost? I have the spares to be copied.
If its just a standard key any locksmith or hardware store that cuts keys can make a set, its a few dollars per key, usually $3 or $4 at most but some keys need spacial blanks and cost as much as $10 each for a spare
if its an electronic key that has the power lock and alarm button on the fob you need to go to the dealership with the vehicles title ( only the owner can get a spare key ) , and they send away for one coded to your vehicle, this takes a few days to a few weeks and costs as much as $400 for a spare and as little as $50
But you already have keys for the car and the house. Why would you need two keys? It doesn't make the door open faster.
There's no age requirement and you can get all 3 at the Walmart automotive department for under $5 each. If the Ford key has a big black plastic cover on it you'll have to cough up $60 so walmart can make you a "clone" that will stop working in a year or you can go to a Ford dealer and get a genuine one for $300 that will work until you lose it again. Walmart will make you a regular copy for under $5 of this "transponder" key also & it will unlock the doors it just won't start the truck! (You'll need to take the truck with you if you decide to go with the dealer option)
I know here where I live there's a machine in our Local hardware department called Lowes. Each key and any kind for cars and houses cost 1.00 each.
There's no age restrictions to make a key. You can get all keys at Walmart for under $5 as long as your dads keys doesn't have the chip in them, otherwise you would have to get them at a dealership.
You lucked out with the Honda key - it is a plain metal key that will cost you about a dollar to get duplicated. The Ford key is a transponder key. If you have two working keys for it you can get a duplicate for under $10 and program it yourself, but if you only have one working key an automotive locksmith or the dealer will have to program it… Around $100 for that.
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