Dr. Ford said she has a fear of flying though she admitted that she flies a lot. Why would she fly so much if she's afraid of flying?
LOL, sure, keep trying.
You think who are scared of flying don't fly anyhow? People who are afraid of elevators don't ride them anyhow? You're really really reaching here dude.
A direct flight from San Francisco to French Polynesia where she went for vacation is 11 hours and 30 minutes.
I might believe she could overcome her fear for a short flight but it stretches credibility to think she would voluntarily fly nearly 12 hours.
People often do things that scare them, esp if they have little choice… Having that fear doesn't mean they always let it handicap them, nor does flying a lot mean someone is going to get over it. Some people I think also take something to calm them.
Lifelong fear of the dentist doesn't mean I don't still go and try to deal with it.
Logic fail
You've never heard of having a doc write a scrip for a few tablets of something to calm the nerves?
It's easier to deal with such a fear if you are traveling on a relaxing vacation as opposed to a high stress senate hearing. That's essentially what Ford said when asked about it.
- Why are Trumptards making hay of Blasey Ford's fear of flying when John Madden flew an average of 10 time/year as a football coach? Madden traveled by bus of his own design when he worked as a broadcaster, but he had to fly when he was a head coach. John Madden was well known for his fear of flying.
- Now that she traveled extensively by Air, is Dr. Ford right that she didn't want to attend the hearing because of fear of flying or no? Although she had a fear of flying, she had traveled extensively by air for work, family visits and vacations. Is does she has fear of flying or no?
- Ford has admitted that she was drinking the night of the party and that her memory of the events might be impaired? She also had never met Kavanaugh before. Given all of this and given that no one else can remember Kavanaugh being at the party isn't it likely that she made a mistake
- Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also? Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with. You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it. This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid! Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?