Dr. Ford is driving to Washington DC via I-80 E> I-74 E> I=70 E > I-95 S Where do you think she'll be when Kavanaugh withdraws his name?
Dr. Ford is driving to Washington DC via I-80 E> I-74 E> I=70 E > I-95 S Where do you think she'll be when Kavanaugh withdraws his name?
He's not going to give up.
He's not going anywhere and she's going to come up with a reason not to testify.
I hope she will be in DC looking him right in the eye.
I think he will not withdraw his name. Apparently you do. You also most likely thought Hillary would SMASH Trump in the 2016 election.
I will not be looking for you to pick my lotto numbers any time soon.
Burning in hell since she will be long dead before that happens
In a retirement home, chewing her oatmeal, unable to remember how her lies turned her from a respected physician into a school nurse.
He won't withdraw his name.
- What did you name your mustang or what is your mustangs name? I just bought a 2006!dark blue Ford Mustang and I named it Sally. She's named after the first bar I ever went to which is called Mustang Sally's, and it happen to be my favorite bar. What did you name yours or what is yours named?
- Do you think trump is right? The Kavanaugh attack on ms. Ford wasn't As bad as she said it was? https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1043126336473055235?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-27909209561040765479.ampproject.net%2F1809142227020%2Fframe.html
- Do you think there's a possibility that Kavanaugh couldn't get it up for Ford and now she is getting her revenge? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned He could've been too drunk to remember the entire incident.
- Do you think that the reason Ford didn't tell anyone is because she wanted Kavanaugh to try again? If she told anyone, that would be the end of any possible relationship. If she didn't tell anyone, she still had a chance. She had protected her honor and he obviously believed her. Now, if he would only try again, things might work out. It didn't work out and so there are these sour grapes.