Don't these Trump supporters completely lack intelligence (since they refuse to think for themselves)?

Trump supporters who are threatening the life of Christine Blasey-Ford?

Added (1). Sherry, quit deflecting!


Antifa. BLM. Clean up your own backyard before pointing fingers at others.

I do think for myself, and you didn't post a source.


I vehemently oppose anybody who would issue threats to her.

As do the vast majority of Trump supporters.

I almost never see any liberals denounce people who make threats against Republicans, though. Why is that?

This is a hilarious response to you:

"Antifa. BLM. Clean up your own backyard before pointing fingers at others."

It's like McVeigh, Roof, Paddock Fields etc. Simply do not exist. It's as if all the studies showing white conservatives killing people at a very high rate do not exist.

It's conservatives pointing out that "antifa" came dressed in black and face masks while conservatives come with shields, helmets, and wooden poles. It's like "Based Stickman" does not even exist.

Truly, conservatism is a mental disorder.