Does Trump mocking Ford make people (especially women) more likely to think that Kavanaugh's innocent? Or to vote Republican in November?

Does Trump mocking Ford make people (especially women) more likely to think that Kavanaugh's innocent? Or to vote Republican in November?

The whole Ford charade is blowing up in the Democrats face. #walkaway has increased significantly since the Democrats forces Ford upon the nation. The Democrats are going to lose catastrophically this fall.

No, infact, I foresee a nice blue wave this November!

It i Trump being Trump. At this point, there's nothing he could do to get his supporters to turn on him and he is incapable of doing anything that would get the people who dislike him to support him.

It doesn't exactly help the situation. But I believe the clear lack of evidence to support Ford's claims, confirmed by the FBI investigation, will convince moderates that the attacks on Kavanaugh were a dirty tactic by the Democrats. Trump just needs to be careful about what he chooses to say in front of a camera.

Lying Ford deserved it.

I think what he said was accurate. She doesn't remember much of anything about this but we're supposed to take her seriously.

No effect.

Unlike libs we just go by facts. Real world… Not for weak liberal minds.
. Does Trump mocking Ford make people especially women more likely to think that Kavanaugh s innocent Or to vote Republican in November

Why should the two be connected. People are interested in facts. Whatever President Trump says has no bearing on the actual facts.

The opposite… On both accounts.

He didn't mock her, he pointed out the holes in her testimony, something he would not have had to do if the media were doing their job. You can bet that if she were a Republican making unsupported accusations about a democrat nominee that the media would be pointing out all of those holes.