Does this mean Christine Ford is in big trouble for lying under oath to the US Senate?
A Former long-time boyfriend of Christine Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he witnessed Christine Ford coaching a friend on how to take a polygraph examination. This is in direct conflict with Christine Ford's testimony under oath to the US Senate.
This is a very bad development for Dr. Christine Ford because this not what she told the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath.
Christine Ford lied under oath!
Dr. Ford told Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell she never had discussions with anyone on how to take a polygraph test.
She should be cause she did lie, there's a reason lie detector tests aren't admissible in court
Likely not consider democrats will probably abuse their power to keep her testimony afloat.
Fake news.
- Why doesn't a prosecutor charge Kavanaugh and Ford with perjury, because one lied under oath? Then after their lawyers call witnesses and each pleads their case, let a court of law with a jury of peers decide which has committed perjury? Then the FBI could do a investigation, real, thorough and unlimited and they could each take a lie detector test from a same unbiased testing source
- Libs: If Christine Ford is unwilling to repeat her claims under oath, what does that tell you? As you are not charged with perjury if you tell the truth, there's only one thing it CAN tell you.
- Ford said under oath that she didn't know the Senate Judiciary Committee offered to interview her in California. Her attorney wrote? To the committee before her testimony: "Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various options you have suggested". Who is lying Ford or her attorney or both?