Does it seem that the day it was discovered what Feinstein or one democrat on her committee did to Ford, woke America up?

In 45 or so days after she received the letter, either Feinstein or one dem on her side blew the anonymity of Ford's letter intentionally leaking it to the press - thus literally tossing Ford under the bus. Besides more than confirming that democrats could care less for anything other than power, is that enough to wake you up?

What do you guys do with all these stupid fantasies when they fail to come true for you?

There was no real leak. Ford was in on it all along. It was a planned smear campaign and Ford is a liar.

The democrats encouraged Ford to go public and provide a testimony to the judiciary committee. The democrats did this knowing that there was no evidence, no support, no corroboration, no evidence of any kind other than Ford's fuzzy memory about an event 35+ years ago. Yes, they threw Ford under the bus.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

And yet the facts say otherwise. Ford herself said this was not true just more fake news from the Republicans.

White House Attorney Dan McGann released Ford's letter.

It was one of Feinstein's aides who probably leaked Ford's name. NOT Feinstein. Dr. Ford sent the original letter to the OTHER California Senator who happens to be a Democrat, but she is NOT on the judiciary committee.
When reporters started showing up at her college and university office Dr. Ford was no longer anonymous.

TRY to get your facts straight BEFORE you accuse.